
发布时间:2012-05-29 共9页



  publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians.

  错位修饰语 who also struggled publicly with drug abuse 应该挨着 Cain,而不是 nation。如果主要动词延迟或如果语义连接不明确,那简单的解决方法(把修饰语放在 Cain 前后)可能仍然导致语义不顺。

  Better: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, Cain , who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians.


  Best: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, Cain influenced and inspired a generation of comedians, even as he struggled publicly with drug abuse.

  在这个版本中,修饰语 Both shocking and entertaining.....明确链接主语Cain并解释他是如何影响以及启发…其对比意愿(struggled publicly...)则被放在以 even as 为首的从句句末。 The "Better" construction above is grammatically correct but stylistically awkward. In the absence of a "Best" construction, consider the "Better" option. “Better”的选项的句子语法是正确的,但在文体上略显不通。在没有“Best”的选项时,则 选择“Better”选项。

  修饰四: Watch Out For Possessives 留意所有格

  正如所有格名词往往是危险的代词参考,他们在包含修饰语的句子里也是危险的。错位修饰符往往出现在名词所有格名词的句子里(以’s 或 s’结尾的名词).

  Wrong: Unskilled in complex math, Cain' score on the exam was poor.

  在这个句子里,修饰语 unskilled in complex math 应修饰 Cain。但是,这个修饰语不能“深入” Cain’的所有格形式 和修饰 Cain。目前,这句话是说,Cain 的得分本身是不熟练复杂的数学的。这不是作者的意图。为了解决这个 问题,我们应该把所有格 Cain’ score 换成 Cain。

  Right: Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam.

  不要忽略的名词 development 或其他抽象名词。他们遵循所有其他名词相同的规则:挨着他们的修饰语应该是要修 饰它们的。

  Wrong: Only in the past decade has origami's development, a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place.


  Right: Origami-a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago-has developed into a true art form only in the past decade.


  修饰五: Noun Modifiers with Relative Pronouns 名词修饰语-关系代词


  Which That Who Whose Whom Where When 这些修饰符称为关系从句。关系代词是受到一些限制的。代词 who 和 whom 必须修饰--人。另一方面,代词 which 必须修饰--物。

  根据 GMAT 考试,代名词为 that 的从句不能修饰人。其他语法当局不同意,但要记得你考的是 GMAT。



  Wrong: The Chinese scientists THAT made the discovery were rewarded.

  Right: The Chinese scientists WHO made the discovery were rewarded.

  令人惊讶的是,根据 GMAT 考试,代名词 whose 既可以修饰人也可以修饰物:

  The province whose water supply was contaminated

  Which 或者 whom 有时在介词后:

  the canal through which water flows; the senator for whom we worked.

  Who 在关系从句里是用来作为主语的而 whom 则动词或介词的(对象)宾语。

  Wrong: The coach WHO we met was nice.

  Right: The coach WHOM we met was nice.

  That 或 whom 在修饰从句中用作宾语时通常可以省略。

  Right: The movie THAT we watched last Tuesday was scary.

  Right: The movie we watched last Tuesday was scary.

  代词 Where 可用于修饰一个地点名词如面积,地点,国家,或加州 California。Where 不能修饰“隐喻”地点如条件,位置, 案件,情况,或安排。在这种情况下用 in which 而不是 Where。

  Wrong: We had an arrangement WHERE he cooked and I tidied. Right: We had an arrangement IN WHICH he cooked and I tidied.

  代词 when 可以用来修饰一个名词事件或时间,如期间,年龄,1987 年或 decade 十年。在这种情况下,你也可以使用 in which,而不是 when。

  修饰六: Essential vs. Nonessential Noun Modifiers 必要(基本)与不必要的名词修饰语 名词修饰语是必要或非必要的。


  Essential: The mansion PAINTED RED is owned by Cain.

  修饰语 painted red 是必要的,以定性 the mansion 豪宅,也许沿着街道有一排画不同颜色的豪宅。换句话说,你不能 删除 painted red,要不然会造成歧义和扭曲的句子的意思。要回答 Cain 拥有什么,你会说 painted red 的 mansion。

  相比之下,非必要修饰语提供额外的信息。您不需要此信息来定性名词,因为该名词已经以一些其他的方式被定性 了。此外,定性后你可以忽略非必要修饰语,在一定意义上,任何之后对名词的参考都不包括额外的信息。

  Non-essential: This mansion, RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by Cain.

  修饰语 recently painted red 是没有必要的,我们已经知道正在讨论哪个 mansion,是因为单词 this 已经告诉我们了。 所以,你可以删除 recently painted red,并保持句子的核心含义,要回答什么是 Cain 拥有的问题,你会简单地说, This mansion,不需要它漆成什么颜色的相关信息了。




  Put COMMAS between NON-ESSENTIAL modifiers and their nouns. Put NO COMMAS between ESSENTIAL modifiers and their nouns.

  如果你要在 which 和 that 之间选择,那就按照这个规则:

  Use WHICH (and commas) if the modifier is non-essential. Use THAT (and no commas) if the modifier is essential.

  Non-essential: This mansion. WHICH HAS BEENRECENTLY PAINTEDRED, is owned by Cain. Essential: The mansion THAT HAS BEEN PAINTED RED is owned by the Cain.

  然而,GMAT 考试也承认,这是有争议的,所以 GMAT 考试是不可能做出这种选择任何答案的区别成败的关键问 题。

  在某些情况下,你在 Which 和 That 之间没有办法做一个简单的选择时(例如,当 Which 是与一个介词连用)你仍 应该服从“逗号规则”:非必要+which 用途使用逗号。必要+which 不用逗号。

  Non-essential: This mansion. FORWHICH I YEARN, is owned by Cain.

  Essential: The mansion FOR WHICH I YEARN is owned by Cain.

  其他如 who 的关系代词,可用于必要的或非必要的修饰语。与其他像 who 一样的这些代词,继续观察逗号规则:


  修饰七: Verb Modifiers 动词修饰语

  正如他们的名字表明,动词修饰符修改动词。这些修饰语是回答如 "how," "when," "where," "why,"等的。 最基本的动词修饰语是副词。其他动词的修饰语与副词作用相近。

  Type I First Words Position Example


  Before verb

  FREQUENTLY, Cain walks to the store.

  Cain FREQUENTLY walks to the store.

  After verb

  Cain walks to the store FREQUENTLY.


  Before verb

  ON Mondays,Cain walks to the store.

  After verb

  Cain walks to the store ON Mondays.


  Before verb

  WHEN his car is broken. Cain walks to the store.

  After verb

  Cain walks to the store WHEN his car is broken.

  主从连接词包括:because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while, and soon。这些词出现在从句句首,不作为句子单独存在,而是主要依附于主句。





  Type / First Words Position Example

  Present Participle Before verb WHISTLING” Man In The Mirror,” I lifted the weight.

  with commas After verb l lifted the weight, WHISTLING " Man In The Mirror."

  Preposition + Before verb BY CONCENTRATION, Cain lifted the weight,

  Simple Gerund After verb Cain lifted the weight BY CONCENTRATING

  Infinitive of Purpose Before verb TO FREE his leg, Cain lifted the weight.

  After verb Cain lifted the weight TO FREE his leg.

  在上面每一种情况下,主语 I 讲得通:I was whistling " Man In The Mirror," I was concentrating,,Cain 想 free his leg。


  Wrong: The weight was lifted by concentrating.

  Wrong: The weight was lifted to free his leg.


  动词修饰语和名词修饰语之间有一个重要的区别。比起名词修饰语,通常必须挨着其修饰的名词,动词修饰语则可 以更自由地放置。然而,你应该在不制造混淆意思的基础上始终让动词的修饰语修饰正确的动词。

  Wrong: The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed, two days ago.

  Right: The nameless symphony was at last performed two days ago, decades after it was composed.

  在第一个例子中,副词 two days ago 被放在了不合理的位置。协奏曲似乎已于昨天完成,与剩下的句子意义讲不通。

  在第二个例子中,昨天被放到了其应该修改的动词 was performed 旁。相对于名词修饰语,动词修饰语可以“远离”他们所修饰的词

  修饰八: Which vs. the Present Participle �CIng Which 与现在分词- ING


  Wrong: Crime has recently decreased in New York, WHICH has led to a rise in property values. 老头所想说的是,在最近犯罪减少导致商业地产价值上升。但是,只要用 which,你必须是指一个在 which 前的名 词。在这句里,New York,本身并没有导致什么!WHICH 只能修饰它前面的名词而言,而不是整个从句.

  改正句子的方法之一是把它变成一个名词短并且让它作 WHICH 从句的动词的主语或动作发出者,这样它与 WHICH一起删除:

  Right: The recent decrease in crime in New York has led to a rise in property values.

  改正句子的另一种方式是使用现在分词,动词的- ING 的动词形式:

  Right: Crime has recently decreased in New York, leading to a rise in property values.

  - ing 形式非常灵活。它可以直接修饰名词(例如,变化的四季)。它可以修饰动词及其动作



  发出者(例如,l lifted the weight, whistling)。它甚至可以修饰整个从句,只要整个从句能够转换成为名词短语且可以作为以动词 ING 形式的 动作发出者。前两个例子说明了这个过程。既然我们可以说,the recent decrease in crime ... has led to a rise,我们也 可以说 crime has recently decreased... leading to a rise.。 当你想表达有主句引起的结果的时候,- ing 形式可以最好用 了。

  同样,在口语中,我们常常不遵守这些规则,我们不正确地使用 which 来指代之前的句子中所说的非名词的东西。 事实上,GMAT 考试在第 12 版句子改错解释题的时候,甚至在第 11 版阅读理解犯过同样的错误!不要用你的耳朵 去听。要始终确保 which 是指代其前面的名词的。

  注意 Which 在句子的结尾。确保其指代的只是它指前面的名词,而不是整个从句。

  3. 作业

  练习要求: 每道题回答以下几个问题:

  <1>, 划线的是什么类型的修饰词?

  <2>, 划线的修饰成分哪些是对的,那些是错的,如何修改?

  1.Upon setting foot in the Gothic cathedral, the spectacularly stained-glass windows amazed the camera-wielding tourists.

  2.Although the ballerina seems healthily, she feels very unwell and is unlikely to dance well at tonight's performance.

  3. A recent formed militia, consisting of lightly armed peasants and a few retired army officers, is fighting a bitterly civil war against government forces.

  4. Angola, which was ravaged by civil war for many years after it, gained independence from Portugal. Which is now one of Africa's success stories, has an economy that grew by 21% last year, where parliamentary elections are to be held later this week.

  5.Mary buys cookies made with SugarFree, an artificial sweetener, which tastes as sweet as the corn syrup that her brother loves but where there are fewer calories than in an equivalent amount of corn syrup.

  6.6 People that are well-informed know that Bordeaux is a French region whose most famous export is the wine which bears its name.

  7.The acquaintances who we like most are those that flatter us best.

  8.People, who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains, show little respect for other passengers.



  9.Of all the earthquakes in European history, the earthquake, which destroyed Lisbon in 1755, is perhaps the most famous.

  10. The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest that is on the border between Nepal. and Tibet.

  11. Based on the recent decline in enrollment, the admissions office decided to reevaluate its recruitment strategies.

  12. Unaccustomed to the rigors of college life, James's grades dropped.

  13. Regina returned the dress to the store, which was torn at one of the seams.

  14. Last night our air conditioner broke, which caused great consternation.

  15. The patient's rare disease was treated using novel techniques developed at the medical school.


  1. Upon setting foot in the National cathedral, the spectacularly stained glass windows amazed the camera-wielding tourists.

  Upon setting foot in the National cathedral: INCORRECT.

  Upon 是介词. 短语 upon setting foot in the National cathedral 包含动名词形式. Who or what set foot in the cathedral? 逻辑上来讲,必须是 tourists, 而不是 windows. 然而名词 windows 在句子中作主语, 因此 windows 是 setting 的主语。

  Spectacularly: INCORRECT. 像 spectacularly 的 副 词 可 以 修 饰 句 子 的 很 多 成 分 而 不 是 名 词 . 短 语spectacularly stained-glass windows 看起来暗示 the windows 被 spectacularly 引人注目地 stained 染色的―也 就 是 说, spectacularly 看 起 来 是 修 饰 stained. 然 而 , stained-glass 显 然 是 一 种 材 料. 老 头 的 意 图 是 说 要 么 the stained glass 本身 或者 the windows 是一人注目的. 副词 spectacularly 应该被替换为形容词 spectacular.

  camera-wielding: CORRECT. 该分词修饰 tourists.

  Correction: Upon entering the National cathedral, the camera-wielding tourists were amazed by the spectacular stained-glass windows.

  2. Although the ballerina seems healthily, James feels very unwell and is unlikely to dance well at tonight's performance.

  Healthily:INCORRECT. Healthily 应该被替换为形容词, 因为 seems 是联系动词(连系动词不表示动 作,它只是一种状态或存在) 。所以形容词 healthy 应该修饰名词 ballerina.

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