接下来形容词修饰名词.这两个表达并不意味着同 样的事情。要选择反映了作者意图的表达.
Wrong: Cain is Max's SUPPOSEDLY Chinese ancestor.
Right: Cain is Max's SUPPOSED Chinese ancestor.
Cain 可能会或可能不会是 Max 的祖先,但 Cain 肯定是中国人。因此,我们要的是形容词 supposed,这 样我们就可以修饰名词 ancestor。
Wrong: Max's grandmother is his SUPPOSED Irish ancestor.
Right: Max's grandmother is his SUPPOSEDLY Irish ancestor.
问题是 Max 的祖母是否是爱尔兰人,而不是她是否是 Max 的祖先。因此,我们要用的是副词 supposedly,使我 们可以通过其修饰形容词 Irish。
提示:有些形容词可以通过在词尾加-ly 来变成副词词性。如:corresponding, frequent; independent, rare, recent, seeming, separate, significant, supposed, 和 usual. 在 GMAT 考试过程中,很容易错过没有加-ly 的答案选项.千万不要错过这种差异选项!
修饰二: 名词修饰语
Type/First Words
Before noun
The LAZY dog took a nap.
After noun
The dog, LAZY from overeating, took a nap.
Before noun
ON the couch, the dog took a nap.
After noun
The dog ON the couch took a nap.
Past Participle
Before noun
The TIRED dog took a nap.
TIRED from chasing cat, the dog took a nap.
After noun
The dog , TIRED from chasing cat, took a nap.
Present Participle
Before noun
The SLEEPING dog took a nap.
Without commas
After noun:
The dog SLEEPING on the rug is named "Super."
Relative Pronoun After noun The grey dog, WHICH loves bone, took a nap.
The dog THAT lives next door is noisy.
The person WHO lives next door is noisy.
The city WHERE I live is noisy.
Another Noun Before noun A LOVER of cat, my dog hunts night and day.
After noun T the dog, a SHEPHERD raised on a farm, took a nap.
用来修饰名词的名词称为同位语。在最后一个例子,同位语的名词‘SHEPHERD 牧羊犬’本身就是由过去分词修饰 语 raised on a farm 修饰的。即使是中等长度修饰语(一个在农场养大的牧羊犬)可以包含其他修饰语。
请注意,在上面的图表中许多修饰语和名词之间用逗号隔开了。而且,要特别注意开放修饰语,它出现在一个句子 的开头。在口语中即兴说一个长的带有开放修饰语的句子可能看起来不自然,但在书面语中它是完全没有问题的。
Right: TIRED from chasing mice, the dog took a nap.
因为你的耳朵不习惯开放修饰语的句子,而 GMAT 考试爱玩这些修饰符的老把戏。
当你看到一个名词修饰语时,问问自己它应该修改什么样的名词。然后检查,以确保该修饰语是挨着该名词的。按照“相邻原则”:名词及其修饰语应互相挨着。 如果修饰语挨着的是一个另外的名词,那它就是误用修饰语。
Wrong: Cain biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods.
Right: To get to his house, Cain biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods.
Wrong: Resigned to the bad news, there was no commotion in the room.
Wrong: There was no commotion in the room, resigned to the bad news.
修饰符 Resigned to the bad news 应该修饰屈从于坏消息的某人或某些人。然而,在句子中根本没有提及跟人相关的名词,(内容里的 room 指的是物理存在的地方而已)。相反修饰符 Resigned to the bad news 似乎有修饰 there 或办公室。 要解决这个问题,我们插入一个合理的由 resigned 修饰的名词。
Right: Resigned to the bad news, the person in the room made no commotion.
这是很容易错过 Dangling Modifier 即悬垂修饰语。事实上,GMAT 的出题者自己也犯过错。见第 12 版 366 页阅读 理解文章的悬垂修饰语错误(When removed.应该修饰缺少的的名词 sea snakes,而不是主语 blood pressure)。
现在分词在句子的开头(- ing 形式)经常被视为悬垂修饰语。虽然这些形式实际上为动词的修饰, 他们仍然需要一 个名词主语才讲得通.
Wrong: Using the new technology, the problem was identified. Wrong: The problem was identified, using the new technology.
名词修饰语应该挨着他们修饰的名词。像这些错误在口语中是很常见的。修饰语 “采用最新技术的 using the new technology”需要提及实际使用技术的人。 要解决这个问题,我们插入一个合理的做主语用的名词。
Right: Using the new technology, the engineer identified the problem.
Right: The engineer identified the problem, using the new technology.
Wrong: Cain, both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, who also struggled