发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页
第 1 页:chapter1 《夏洛的网》 |
第 2 页:Chapter 2. Wilbur |
第 3 页:Chapter 3(1). Escape |
第 4 页:Chapter 4. Loneliness |
第 5 页:Chapter 5. Charlotte |
第 6 页:Chapter 6. Summer Days |
№.1 - She knew that they were in a desperately cramped position inside the shell and were most anxious to break through and get out.
【短语笔记】break through - (太阳或月亮从云层后面)露出,出现;出来,长出;穿过,透过;突破,冲破(障碍)
【英英释义】break through -
1. vi. [intr] to penetrate
2. vi. [intr, adverb] to achieve success, make a discovery, etc, esp after lengthy efforts
3. n. a significant development or discovery, esp in science
4. n. the penetration of an enemy’s defensive position or line in depth and strength
【例】They broke through the skull by using a chisel.(他们用凿子凿穿头骨。)
№.2 - He glanced at Fern, then crept cautiously toward the goose, keeping close to the wall. Everyone watched him, for he was not well liked, not trusted.
【短语笔记】creep toward - 朝着……爬过去;glance at - v. + prep 朝……看一眼,匆匆一瞥
1. to creep up/down/into sth 蹑手蹑脚地走上/下/进某处
2. to creep in 不知不觉地到来
【词义辨析】creep, climb, crawl这些动词都有“爬”之意:
1. creep: 多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生长等。
2. climb: 通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻。
3. crawl: 指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动。
1. If you both creep down to the reeds and then keep still as statues, maybe the moorhen will come back with her chicks and you can see them close up.(如果你俩轻手轻脚地爬进芦苇丛,一动也不动地趴在那里,也许黑水鸡会带着她的小鸡回来的,这样,你们就可以在离得很近的地方观察这些小动物了。)
2. Something in his tone made Carole glance at him sharply.(他话中带话,使卡罗严厉地看着他。)
№.3 - "What are you going to do with it?" continued Templeton, his little round beady eyes fixed on the goose.
【短语笔记】fix on - 把……固定在……上;把……集中在……上
(phrasal verb) if you fix your eyes or your attention on someone or something, you look straight at them and at nothing else
【例】All our engineers carry spare parts to enable any faults to be fixed on the spot.(我们所有的工程师利用空闲时间发现错误。)
№.4 - That afternoon, when the wind had died down and the barnyard was quiet and warm, the grey goose led her seven goslings off the nest and out into the world.
【短语笔记】die down - 停止;熄灭;平息
(phrasal verb) if something dies down, it becomes much less noisy, powerful, or active
【例】He thought that the criticism that had followed his announcement would die down.(他以为他的声明招来的批评会慢慢地平息下来。)