发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页
第 1 页:chapter1 《夏洛的网》 |
第 2 页:Chapter 2. Wilbur |
第 3 页:Chapter 3(1). Escape |
第 4 页:Chapter 4. Loneliness |
第 5 页:Chapter 5. Charlotte |
第 6 页:Chapter 6. Summer Days |
№.1 - And then, just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him the night before.
【小编评注】“just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap”作为插入语在本句中出现,清楚地交代了威尔伯听到声响的时间点。
【短语笔记】address sb. - 称呼某人(speak or write to using a particular title of rank)
【例】I didn’t know he was addressing me until he repeated my name.(直到他又重复了我的名字,我才知道他是和我说话。)
№.2 - She was about the size of a gumdrop. She had eight legs, and she was waving one of them at Wilbur in friendly greeting.
【短语笔记】 be about the size of - 约摸……般大小
【例】The committee laid down rule about the size of tennis court.(委员会对于网球场面积的大小作出了规定。)
№.3 - Wilbur was merely suffering the doubts and fears that often go with finding a new friend. In good time he was to discover that he was mistaken about Charlotte. Underneath her rather bold and cruel exterior, she had a kind heart, and she was to prove loyal and true to the very end.
【小编评注】故事另外一个主人公“夏洛”终于出现了,通过这段描写,这个“长得有点丑”的蜘蛛已经初步具备形象,但正如作者所说,她有着一颗善良的心。就像我们中国有句俗话叫做“人不可貌相”一样――这句中国古语也是中高级口译学习中翻译的重点例句,通常译作 “Appearances are often deceptive.” 或是 “ Never judge a look by its cover.” 请朋友们举一反三,借此机会扩充自己的语句积累。
【短语笔记】in good time - 及时地, 迅速地
【例】We sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach them in good time .(这封信我们航空寄去以便他们能及时收到。)