发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页
第 1 页:chapter1 《夏洛的网》 |
第 2 页:Chapter 2. Wilbur |
第 3 页:Chapter 3(1). Escape |
第 4 页:Chapter 4. Loneliness |
第 5 页:Chapter 5. Charlotte |
第 6 页:Chapter 6. Summer Days |
№.1 - He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes.
【重点词汇双语释义】adoring: liking and admiring someone very much
【短语笔记】gaze at - 凝视, 注视
【例】He sat a seat opposite me and gaze at me. (他坐在我对面的座位上,目不转睛地盯着我。)
№.2 - In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw. He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight, completely covered with straw.
【短语笔记】in a short time - 不久,一会儿,少顷
【例】A new daily will appear in a short time in our town.(一份新的日报不久将在本市发行。)
№.3 - When he was five weeks old, Mr. Arable said he was now big enough to sell, and would have to be sold. Fern broke down and wept. But her father was firm about it.
【短语笔记】break down - 彻底失败,崩溃,停止运转,坍塌,(数据、观点等)站不住脚
【例】Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。)