发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页
tax on enterprise 企业税
tax on goods and possessions 货物急财产税
tax on house 房屋税
tax on income and profit 所得及利润税
tax on income from movable capital 动产所得税
tax on land and building 土地房产税
tax on land revenue 土地收入税
tax on land value 地价税
tax on luxury 奢侈品税
tax on mine 矿税
tax on pari-mutuels 赛马税,赌博税
tax on produce 产品税
tax on property paid to local authority for local purpose 由地方征收使用的财产税
tax on property 财产税
tax on receipts from public enterprises 公营企业收入税
tax on revaluation 资产重估税
tax on sale and turnover 货物销售及周转税
tax on sale of property 财产出让税
tax on specific products 特种产品税
tax on stalls 摊贩税