发布时间:2012-07-19 共9页
第 1 页:第1页:听力SpotDictation原文+评析 |
第 2 页:第1页:听力SpotDictation原文+评析 第2页:听力Listening Comprehension 1原文+解析 |
第 3 页:第3页:听力Listening Comprehension 2 原文 |
第 4 页:第4页:听力Listening Comprehension 3原文+评析 |
第 5 页:第5页:听力Listening Comprehension 4 原文+评析 |
第 6 页:第6页:听力Sentences Translation 答案+评析 |
第 7 页:第7页:听力 Note-taking and Gap-filling 原文 |
第 8 页:第8页:听力Passage Translation 答案+评析 |
第 9 页:第9页:Passage Translation听译笔记 |
W: Some of us try to eat away the blues, nutritionist Joy Bauer is here with some strategies to help get us healthy. Joy, good to see you again.
M: Good to see you Jolin.
W: So, you know, there’s emotional eating. It really is a problem, isn’t?
M: Oh, the emotional eating is when you eat in response to feelings rather than hunger. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, and maybe you’ve had a fight with the spouse, or coworker and you head straight to the fridge. The truth is we all do it occasionally.
W: To a certain extent.
M: And that’s not necessarily problematic, but if you struggle with your weight, and you are regularly using food as a coping mechanism, it’s like rubbing salts in a wound.
W: Right, because you will feel bad, or even worse, after you did it.
M: You feel worse, and you probably worse off emotionally than you were, that cause you to eat in the first place.
W: A vicious cycle.
M: Absolutely. There are some questions we should ask ourselves. That really can help you determine whether you are an emotional eater. First, do you reach for high-calorie food when you feel sorry for yourself? Are high-calorie foods your reward after a difficult day? Do you feel stressed and then put food in your mouth without realizing it.
W: Some of us might answer yes to these questions.
M: Absolutely, if you answer yes to the majority of these questions, you are an emotional eater. And you should put a huge effort into stopping this behavior , because it is destructive to the psyche.
W: Do man and woman go for different kinds of foods when they are looking for comfort?
M: It’s a great question, the number one food according to research in terms of comfort food for man and woman alike is ice cream.
W: Yes!
M: But it’s a vice. Women head straight for the sweets, cookies, chocolates, candies, and men go for the man food, real food, martial food.
M:Steak and mass potatoes, big pasta and pizza.
W: One of the things you can do to try to help stop this is measure your hunger on a hunger scale. What’s that?
M: That’s right. Awareness is huge, you wanna know if you are actually hungry or not, one being ravenous, and five being comfortably full. So before you reach for something, figure out if you are four or five. Avoid eating.
W: You say, if you feel like you have to eat something, eat healthy food first.
M: This is a great strategy. I call this three food interference. And it has helped thousands of people. Before you get into anything unhealthy, first eat three healthy items. There’ve always got to be in your fridge a bowl of carrots, one apple and container of yoghourt. After those 3 foods, if you still want to continue on, give yourself permission. But nine times out of ten, you are gonna fill up and you are gonna stop.
11. What is emotional eating?
12. Which of the following is true about emotional eating?
13. What is number one comfort food for man and woman alike?
14. What figure on a hunger scale indicates that you are comfortably full?
15. Which of the following is not one of the healthy foods as recommended by the nutritionist?
这是一篇访谈性对话,围绕着情绪化进食 (emotional eating) 这个主题展开。被采访人是一位营养学家,Joy Bauer。Joy Bauer首先介绍了什么是情绪化进食及其危害,然后给出了情绪化进食者的判断标准。对话进而谈到,男人和女人分别会通过什么食物来寻求慰藉。最后,Joy Bauer 建议情绪化进食者可通过饥饿量表来衡量自己的饥饿程度,如果实在要吃东西的话,可以通过先吃三种健康食物来抑制食欲。
对话的关键词emotional eating,考生可通过常识预测对话的内容,难度一般。问题设定的顺序跟对话的进程一致,答案在对话中明显的体现出来,解题关键在于理清对话的脉络,关注细节信息。考生需要注意的细节信息有:关于情绪化进食的定义;男人和女人都爱吃冰激凌来寻求慰藉;健康量表指向5表示已经非常饱了以及营养学家提出的三种健康食物是什么。